Buying Travel Services on the Internet was published in 1999, and--although Amazon.com still lists it--the book is now outdated and is no longer being ordered by booksellers. Because of this, I'm no longer maintaining the free online updates that were promised for the useful life of the book. I'm leaving the existing updates online, however, and you'll find them here.
.Suggestion: If you're traveling to Europe, you can plan your trip with hundreds of articles, photos, and pages of annotated travel links at:
Europe for Visitors Venice for Visitors Switzerland for Visitors Austria for Visitors
About the author: Durant Imboden is a travel writer and novelist who has visited or lived in more than 20 countries in the Americas, Europe, Africa, and Asia. He has worked in the travel industry and produces Europe for Visitors (incorporating Venice for Visitors, Switzerland for Visitors, and Austria for Visitors), along with a site for aspiring and professional writers called Writing.org and a travel site, The Baby Boomer's Venice, that have been online since 1996.
Copyright © 1999-2002 Durant Imboden. All rights reserved.
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